Find Trending CapCut Templates

Use the Search below to find your desired trending CapCut Template, otherwise scroll down below to see trending and latest CapCut Templates.

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What is CapCut?

If you’re here, then you already know what CapCut is, but still we are going to give a brief introduction of CapCut.

CapCut is a great video editor available for PC, Android, Mac OS and iOS. It has ranked in top 3 for video editors for android and iOS, because it has ton of features and all of them are free which compared to other video editors are paid. If you look at the rating on play store and app store, it’s 4.8/5 which is very good.

The main feature of CapCut being too good is it’s user interface and user experience. You can create amazing videos with great effects and filter within a few minutes. Moreover, with keyframe editing and pre-made templates made by users make the editing process more simple and fast. Along with that, CapCut have tons of filters and transition sets that can help you to make your video more appealing.

What is CapCut Template?

The best feature that CapCut offer is the addition of templates. This feature was never offered on a mobile video editing app before, but after getting banned in India, video editors like VN and Alight Motion added this feature into their app. However, how much these apps try, but CapCut is still on top.

By the way, for using CapCut Templates in India, you should download a VPN and then create your video otherwise you will not be able to make videos.

CapCut Templates are videos made by users just like on tiktok, the only difference is you can use these videos and replace the clips from your gallery and make your own video. These videos are then get viral on Instagram and TikTok and people start finding these trending templates, which is what we offer on this website. Moreover, we also have a dedicated instagram trending templates and capcut templates new trend page on our website for you to find trending templates easily.

How to Get & Use CapCut Template?

The template library in CapCut app is very cluttered and finding a good one is very tough. That’s where you got We have published a lot of templates that our users demand, which you can find above.

We have uploaded templates which are popular and people are looking for them on daily basis. Along with that, we also have the capcut trends page which we update whenever a new template get popular. Otherwise, you can follow the steps below to look for all the templates we have on our website.

  • Visit (most important step)
  • Use the search on the top, if you’re looking for anything specific. Otherwise explore the templates from our trending and latest section.
  • After going to the template page, click on “Use Template on CapCut” button.
  • The link will opt for opening the CapCut app to use the template.
  • Select your images and videos.
  • Use the export button and tada, your video is ready to publish on Instagram, Tiktok or whichever platform you want to share it!

What are the Best CapCut Templates?

There are some capcut templates which people use on daily basis which helps them to get viral on Social Media. Those templates can be used by influencers, brands or new creators taking the opportunity to get millions of views on their videos. The templates we are listing below are however old, but still users use them to land on the foryou page of TikTok and Instagram.